Your time has come … to go hunting with your favorite 30-06 Springfield rifle!* Prvi Partizan makes these no-frills hunting cartridges in the nation of Serbia so you can down deer, bop hogs, and teach coyote the last thing they’ll ever learn about physics.
This cartridge is loaded with a 165 grain projectile: a good weight for medium game, and capable of clearing a 24” barrel at a rate of ~2,805 fps. Thanks to its pointed tip and boat tail base, the PSP BT is able to conserve velocity effectively enough to hit 600 yards with over 1,000 ft lbs of whitetail walloping kinetic energy (G7 BC: 0.230). The PSP BT’s exposed lead core flattens out during penetration to inflict a wide wound channel, and its copper-alloy jacket is durable enough to secure deep penetration.
Noncorrosive. Nonmagnetic. Loaded with brand new brass cases which you can reload. Prvi Partizan did their usual great work loading this handy-dandy 30-06 ammo!
*Unless your favorite 30-06 Springfield rifle happens to be an M1 Garand, in which case we don’t recommend this ammo.
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